After yesterday's long drive, we had high hopes of the children sleeping in and resting. This hope died at 6:55 when I found Hannah staring at me beside the bed saying, "Are you going to get up now?" I groaned and before I could even think of pulling her in bed with us, Micah's loud voice came over the monitor saying, "JASON! Time to get up! Get UP! Time to get up!" Needless to say, now they were all awake but not so raring to go. Andy let me sleep a bit long while he got the kids breakfast. Actually it was more than a bit because once he figured out they they were zoned in front of the TV like zombies, he came back to be and we both slept until 9am. It was very nice and we actually felt pretty rested. Oh, and on a side note, Hannah's hair was still up and looking nice. Weird.
Because we got in so late last night, we only had time to stop at the grocery to grab milk and cereal. And after seeing how much they were charging for the convenience of being on the corner, I seriously wondered how necessary milk and cereal was. Anyway, I figured out where the nearest Wally world was, made a list of essentials for the week (like diapers as Micah was wearing his last one) and headed out. While I was gone, Andy got the kids in there swim gear and slathered them with sun lotion.
On my way to Walmart, I found a brand spanking new Super Target and decided to stop their instead. I think I got everything we need, loaded the SUV and headed back. When I pulled in, Andy came down to meet me and we managed to get everything in one trip. Yeah us! Oh, have I mentioned yet how hot it is here? It's been in the 90s with the heat index in the 100s. You literally melt when you walk outside and we're getting used to that not so fresh sticky feeling. So making the grocery unload in one trip was HUGE!
Once back and unloaded, I changed and we headed out to the complex pool. Oh, wait! Quick note, swim diapers are NOT going to keep your child or the floor they are sitting one while watching TV dry. While we were bringing in the groceries, Micah apparently pee'd and announced to me that he needed changed when I walked in the door. We are SO potty training next week.
Now, where was I? Ah, yes, the POOL! I love pools. Especially pools with zero entry and clear visibility to nearly all the other areas. We swam, we jumped and played for a couple of hours and had a grand time. Jason made a couple of friends and spent most of his time doing cannon balls off the side or diving for stuff. Andy and I tag teamed the little ones. Hannah actually started putting her head under water (the hair still didn't move) and they are both getting decent at kicking themselves around the pool in a tube. After a couple of hours we decide the kids were done and the sunscreen was about to wear off, so home we went for lunch and naps.
After a couple of hours rest, we woke everyone and got them ready to head to Disney Studios. We knew we were taking a big risk heading there today as it's the last day of Star Wars weekends. But, it was really the only place to head given the schedule for the rest of the week. We figured if we got a couple of things done and Micah saw a clone trooper we would be good since we are heading back on Thursday.
On the drive in to the lot, we saw signs of hope. The parking lot was emptying. Yeah. The kids were unloaded, the stroller packed and we were off to our first ride of the day. Yes, before even entering! The tram! That magical train the carries you from your lot to the front gate. Our kids loved it and we thought it was pretty cute how excited they could be over such a small thing.
Walking up the Imperial March was playing and the kids got seriously excited. It only took a few minutes to get through security and into the park. A quick stop at Guest Relations for our GAC card and we were off for the first event of the day.
We started with The Great Movie Ride. The boys were seriously excited, but Hannah was a little nervous. I had warned her before hand that at a couple of parts I would have her cover her eyes and I think it made her a bit more nervous going it. She made it though and seeing Dorothy was one of her favorite parts. It didn't phase the boys though and Micah said as we saw the Alien, "I not scared of monsters!"
Next it was off to the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular. We knew from the time of the show we would be pushing getting there on time, but we did make it. We did though and on the way we say Luke and Leia played by Mickey and Minnie, Chewbacca and an Ewok. We still managed to get good seats despite getting there as it started. The kids were ENTHRALLED. Micah jumped very early when something fell and declared "You can't scare Indiana Jones." It's cute to see him being so brave. Hannah was adjusting by now to the loud noises of attractions and simply covered her ears when it got loud. At one point I told her things were gonna explode and she got all excited saying "I LOVE fire!" The show was good and I enjoyed being able to give the kids their water and get a breeze from the over head fan.
Also, this was the start of the end of the hair. The heat was melting it and it was slowly going from a fanned bun to a curly ponytail off the top of her head. Still, not a lot was falling down and Hannah's hair isn't long enough to stay up like that on its own. I seriously think they shellacked her head.
Next it was off to the Muppet 3D Movie Adventure, but on the way we got a very pleasant surprise. Hannah had just asked me it we were going to see any princesses. I had just answered "No" when Andy spotted Queen Amidala and a very short line to meet her. Hannah and the boys needed another brush with royalty for we headed over to a 20 minutes line and got to meet her. I so could not stand it that heat in a dress like that with full make-up on. No way.
The muppets were pretty easy to find and I was really looking forward to sitting in some AC again. After dropping off the stroller, we headed in. Jason and Hannah were very excited, but Micah didn't appear to be. He kept saying he wanted "muppets" but cried and whined as we went in. The show was cute and the kids loved the 3-D effects. All of them did, even Jason. We've been told by Jason's eye doctor that because of his eyes he has no depth perception and wouldn't be able to see 3-D stuff. Andy has doubted this for a while as he CAN hit catch and throw a baseball, but this was our first real test and he could. He kept reaching out to grab stuff and jump back as things would pop out. It was so cool.
Micah was still sad though but by the end of the show Andy figured out why. When we said "muppets," he heard "muffins." Thankfully, Pizza Planet was right there so we ate some dinner nad let the kids each play one video game. Jason rode a motorcycle while Hannah and Micah both did pod racing with their dad. Micah wasn't too happy to leave, but after getting his drink and finding a picture station that made it look like the kids were all action figures, he cheered up. Winding back around to the front of the park we found a few of these. The kids got to put their heads in a Storm Trooper cutout and stand on the platform where Vader was made. Micah did a great anguished yell after seeing other people do it since he has not seen THAT movie and won't for a few more years.
Finally, we wandered past Toy Story Mania which still had an 80 minute wait and Voyage of the Little Mermaid whose next show as in 45 minutes. By now it was just after 8 so we decided to head home. The kids were tired and hot but had a great time. And so did we for that matter. It was a tone of fun and although we only got through 3 things, the kids had a blast and we'll be back later in the week. One more ride on the tram and we headed home for baths and bed. Hannah's hair took 2 washings to clean up and was quite a site when we took out the rubber bands. The kids (and parents too) had a great day and are ready to do it all again tomorrow.
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